Delta Dental of Wisconsin - Behind Every Smile, We See a Story.
Advancing dental science, teaching healthy lessons
When people seek out advances in oral health, chances are they would come across findings our science officer, Dr. Fred Eichmiller (pictured far right), has had a hand in. Dr. Eichmiller draws on a background in research with the American Dental Association, as well as private dental practice and teaching. He enjoys sharing his broad perspective on oral health with our dental providers and the public. Increasingly, Dr. Eichmiller’s data-driven view is guiding the benefit decisions of the state’s employers, too. “We know that employees and their families with dental insurance go to the dentist, get the restorative care they need – and experience greater overall health as a result,” said Dr. Eichmiller. He believes the link between oral health and general health can’t be overstated. Our customers have the option to tailor dental benefits to the unique needs of their employees. Innovative plan features allow employers to integrate oral health
care with the medical management of select diseases or conditions, helping improve the health of teeth and gums – and the whole body. Employers who want a holistic approach to employee wellness can also add an oral health component to their existing program. We make the first step – assessment – easier, thanks to the PreViser™ oral health risk assessment. Employers receive aggregate reporting results that help them identify and maximize their wellness interventions, making the most of the benefits they provide. Over 90 percent of diseases – including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers – have oral manifestations including increased tooth decay, mouth ulcers, dry mouth, and excessive gum problems.
Dr. Fred Eichmiller, vice president and science officer for Delta Dental of Wisconsin
Once employers choose a plan, Delta Dental helps them integrate oral health into employee wellness programs – boosting their plan’s preventive potential. Our Oral Wellness Program keeps oral and overall health top-of-mind with employees by providing a range of engaging communications tools, from posters to newsletters.
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